November 6, 2011

ThreeA 3A Ashley Wood WWR Peaceday Dropcloth

After a long time tracking, and I do mean a very long time, I finally bite the bullet and went in for a very inflated (price) Peaceday Dropcloth. Has been an admirer of it since I got EMGY but a deal I can swallow doesn't come around until now. Felt good to finally had it in my collection of DC which amounted to a grand total of 2.
The legs joint at the hip side is quite lose to a point that it is wobbly. Hence Can't do dynamic poses like standing on 1 leg and such. Was told by the seller that it came that way. Not sure but I don't want to put too much thought to it.
Peaceday didn't came with a lot of accessories - or none to speak of. A twin pistols are all it have. The box is nicely designed with Ashley Wood's art print (of Peaceday DC) on the front and back. The nicest Dropcloth box design together with EMGY's. All DC released after these 2 are just with plain graphical design boxes.
The grandaddy of Dropcloths as Peaceday is the first Dropcloth to be on sale at Bambalandstore back in Dec 2009. It was meant to be a 2009 Christmas special. Wasn't into 3A at that time so I'd miss getting it at USD98 a pop. Can't turn back time so I paid the premium for it. No regrets though.

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